Celia Jenkins
I am a 25 year old Graduate Project Manager for AECOM, and have been for two and a bit years now! I completed an undergraduate degree in Architecture, where I quickly realised that I wanted an oversight of the WHOLE project, from initiation to completion and thrived off the engagement with various different sectors, not just Architecture. So, to make sure I had an all-rounded skillset before diving head first into the construction industry, I completed a masters degree in Project Management.
The last two and a bit years have flown by, and to be quite honest, have exceeded my expectations in firstly what I thought I would be carrying out as a Graduate, but also what I can achieve. I have been well and truly thrown into the deep end - travelling solo abroad to visit site and managing projects single handedly. I never thought in a million years I would be doing this so early on in my career.
When I first started out in this role, someone said to me 'sink or swim' - well, here I am...swimming!
What attracted you into the industry?
I have always been fascinated by buildings, their form, function and my belief that design and construction can truly enrich and change society. The power that those operating in the construction industry have, to ultimately leave a mark on civilization has always been exciting for me and I wanted to be a part of this change. I wanted to see a project come alive from the drawing board, and be able to say 'I did this'!
My interesting fact is that I used to be a competitive track cyclist for many years! Now based in central London, it is not quite as easy to find a great spot for a bike ride, so I tend to head out to the countryside where cycling is a little more fun!
My key skills are:
- Organisation: I have always been fiercely organised, planning everything down to minute detail. This comes in very handy for day-to-day project management.
- Communication: This is something that over the past few years I have had to finesse, working with stakeholders across the globe and understanding that everyone is different and communication needs to be adaptable to cater for who you are working with.
- Empathy: I have found that no matter who you are working with, from the contractor on site, all the way up to the Client; being kind and polite goes a long way. People are far more inclined to do you a favor or even just listen, if you are simply nice.
- Determination and Drive: I have worked hard to get to where I am today, and am not ashamed to say that. When I set goals, whether that be in my personal or professional life, or even on a construction project, I will give my ALL to try and achieve them.
This industry is particularly male heavy and there are times when you are the only woman in the room, or on the site! Standing up for yourself, challenging someone (particularly if they are male), and having the confidence to speak up, is incredibly difficult. There have been many times where I have shied away from raising something in the fear of being wrong infront of a group of male professionals, and then being frustrated at myself afterwards for not just saying it! This is something I believe women face at all stages of their career, not just early on like me.
That being said, come and join us!
Don't be afraid to jump in with both feet. The construction industry has endless opportunities, disciplines, roles...everything which cater for everyone. Identify YOUR skills, what YOU are good at and what YOU love, and find something that ticks all of those boxes.
Most importantly, have the confidence to make the change! Whether it be joining the industry or changing industry - we have the power to re-shape the profession, so the more the merrier!